SuperMicro Xeon X7DCA-3 MotherBoard
DDR2 Reg. ECC Xeon uad-Core / Dual-Core SAS Workstation Board
Key Features
- Dual Intel® 64-bit Xeon® Quad-Core or
Dual-Core, with 1333 / 1066 MHz FSB
- Intel® 5100 (San Clemente) Chipset
- Up to 48GB 667/533MHZ DDR2 ECC
Register SDRAM
- Intel® Dual 82573V/L Gigabit
Ethernet Controller
- LSI 1068E 8-Port SAS Controller;
RAID 0, 1, 10
- 6x SATA2 (3 Gbps) Ports via
ICH9R SB Controller
- 1 (x16) PCI-e,
1 (x4) PCI-e (using x16 slot),
2x PCI-X 133/100MHz,
2x PCI 33MHz slots
- High Definition 7.1 Channel Audio
- Low Profile IPMI 2.0 (SIMLP) Slot